Kategorie Workshop
Titel Workshop: "Transcultural Talismans and the Economies of the Sacred" (TP A03 in Kooperation mit dem Exzellenzcluster Asia and Europe)
Termine Donnerstag, 22.05.2014
Ort Karl Jaspers Zentrum

This event is conducted jointly by the Cluster projects MC 3.1 "Economies of the Sacred" and 10.1 "The Magic of Transculturality," and members of the project A03 "Materiality and Presence of Magical Sigils between Antiquity and the Middle Ages", part of SFB 933 "Material Text Cultures".

The focus of this meeting is mostly on methodology of the transcultural study of talismans and amulets in their historical contexts. All those interested are warmly welcome to attend.

More information about the workshop and participant speakers can be found here.