Kategorie Workshop
Titel Workshop: "Inscribing Space - The Topography of Attic Inscriptions"
Termine Freitag, 29.05.2015
Samstag, 30.05.2015
Ort Zentrum für Altertumswissenschaften
  • SFB933_Workshop_Inscribing_Space_Berti_2930052015_KORR
  • Workshop in cooperation with the Department of Historical Studies of the University of Turin
    The place of publication of inscriptions was not casual and it was sometimes mentioned in the decree under the dispositions for the publication of the text itself. In the search for the best place where to set up public (and private) stone stelai, visibility was surely an important element, but the choice of the epiphanestatos topos was not the only relevant factor and the literary sources testify also of the possibility of deliberately choosing a context of restricted presence.
    Another parameter is surely that of pertinence: inscriptions could be set up in locations specific to their content, so for instance cult regulations were usually set up in the related sanctuary and dedicatory monuments were on or closed to a sacred spot. Over the centuries, especially the Acropolis and the Agora became preferred locations, but many other spots in Attika hosted cluster of important inscriptions.
    Inscribed monuments quickly became an important part of the urban and suburban attic topography.