Kategorie Vortrag
Titel VORTRAG: Brian McGing "Running a Town Record Office in Roman Egypt. New documents from the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin"
Termine Mittwoch, 15.03.2023 16 Uhr c.t.
Ort Institut für Papyrologie (Marstallstraße 6), Bibliothek
  • SFB933_2023_03_Brian_McGing_Plakat
  • Professor Brian McGing (Emeritus Professor of Greek, Trinity College Dublin) is currently a guest in the SFB-Subproject A03 UP2 „Prayers for Justice to Gods and Demons (Papyrology)“. On March 15, he will give a lecture entitled „Running a Town Record Office in Roman Egypt. New Documents from the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin.“ Among the holdings of the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin is an unexpectedly large collection of unpublished Greek papyri. Brian McGing‘s presentation examines this material, which is primarily the remains of a number of scrolls from the relatively sparsely documented city of Narmouthis, now Medinet Madi, in the Fayum. They date from a period of twenty years in the 1st century CE and originate in the public archive, which tells us a great deal about the operation of this archive, its directors, and the activities in and around the city.

    Andrea Jördens – TP A03 UP2