Titel Jahrestagung: "Things that Connect – Pathways of Materiality and Practice" (in Kooperation mit dem Exzellenzcluster "Asia and Europe")
Termine Mittwoch, 10.10.2012
Donnerstag, 11.10.2012
Freitag, 12.10.2012
Ort Karl Jaspers Zentrum

This year’s meeting of the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe”, held in cooperation with the CRS “Material Textcultures”, focuses on the study of materiality and the power it exercises in cultural processes. The expanding field of material culture studies has infused a new dynamism into a range of disciplines from archaeology and epigraphy to anthropology, histories of consumption, quotidian life, technology, curatorial and museum studies, aesthetics and art history.

The conference will consist of two segments, the first comprising plenary panels in the morning devoted to broader themes around the subject of the conference, while the afternoon segment will feature a number of smaller, parallel panels designed to present the best results of the wide-ranging research carried out during the past years by scholars in the congenial cross-regional and transdisciplinary setting of the Cluster.

Program: http://www.asia-europe.uni-heidelberg.de/en/news-events/events/annual-conference.html
